The sense
The Sense is a new academic research centre dedicated to innovation, research and training in sensory systems. This initiative is the result of a collaboration between three Swiss academic partners: the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland – Valais/Wallis (HES-SO Valais/Wallis), the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV).
THE PORTRAITMessage from the Directors
The Sense Innovation and Research Center was founded in 2021 by the University of Lausanne (UNIL), The Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), and the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland – Valais/Wallis (HES-SO Valais-Wallis).
This ambitious endeavour fosters cutting-edge research, transformative innovation, and forward-thinking training that nonetheless remains grounded in addressing societal needs. The Sense federates applied, basic, and clinical domains of activities across its founding institutions in French-speaking Switzerland.
The Sense Innovation & Research Center is chaired by a Board composed of two members from each founding institution (HES-SO Valais-Wallis, CHUV & UNIL). The Executive Director and the Scientific & Academic Director lead the implementation of the strategy, supported by the advisory boards and the management committee. The support team provides expertise to the management in the various operational aspects (secretariat, data and communication). The researchers are divided into three research areas led by an area coordinator who is a direct member of the management committee.
Our research axes
Perception & Cognition
The primary focus of research and innovation within the axis of Perception and Cognition is to determine WHAT establishes and maintains sensory processes as a scaffold for higher-level functions. WHAT neurobiological mechanisms translate sensory signals into the information that our brains use to make us who we are? WHAT neurobiological mechanisms allow us to perceive, to think, and to create?
The Sense discovers the WHAT.
Action & Repair
Intervening to alter the status quo in health, dysfunction and disease is the primary focus of research and innovation within the axis of Action and Repair. WHERE does sensory information operate to transform thoughts into perceptions and actions? WHERE are the access points for repairing dysfunction? WHERE are the limits of neuroplasticity? WHERE is the pathway for rehabilitation?
The Sense targets the WHERE.
Dispositifs & Data
Addressing the current and foreseeing the future hardware and software solutions to this question is the primary focus of research and innovation within the axis of Devices and Data. HOW can we better understand human function and dysfunction? HOW can we acquire better measurements and metrics? HOW can we optimize the information available in data and improve their interpretability?
The Sense creates the HOW.
The Sense Innovation and Research Center federates different interdisciplinary units where scientists can explore innovative solutions in the field of sensory sciences. Management, administrative and scientific positions are essential for the realisation of The Sense’s objectives.