
The latest news

Third edition of our digital newsletter

Follow all the news from the Sense Research and Innovation Center with the third edition of its digital newsletter…

Newsletter #03 EN

A new research consortium to understand how children combine their senses to perceive and act in their world

Micah Murray, Scientific and Academic Director of The Sense Innovation and Research Center (CHUV-UNIL and HES-SO Valais-Wallis), joins an international consortium to understand multisensory development in children both in the lab and in real-world contexts…

At the Crossroads of Science and Entrepreneurship: Reviewing the Success of BISSE

A delegation of around ten affiliates from The Sense Innovation and Research Center was present in December in Boston for a Bootcamp…


The Sense supports “La Fabuleuse Maison Cerveau”

This year, Sense has decided to support the educational project “La Fabuleuse Maison Cerveau.” Produced by Neuracademia, this work aims to introduce children to the mysteries of neuroscience through a stunning album that comes to life with augmented reality…

La Fabuleuse Maison Cerveau

MonkeyCall – a project resulting from the collaboration of two PI from The Sense

Monkeycall est un projet de recherche appliquée initié par la Pre Erica van de Waal (Unil) qui vise à obtenir des enregistrements de bonnes qualités des vocalisations des singes vervets en Afrique du Sud, afin d’étudier leurs comportements et leurs modes de communication…


Three projects led by principal investigators (PI) from The Sense are supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS) program “Health and Well-being.”

Les thématiques en lien avec la santé sont d’une grande importance pour la société suisse. Le FNS met en œuvre une mesure provisoire pour encourager la recherche à ce sujet dans les hautes écoles spécialisées et pédagogiques…

FNS Santé et bien-être

Success of The Sense PI at the International Multisensory Research Forum

Last June, the 21st edition of the International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) took place in Brussels from 27 to 30 June. The main objective of the IMRF is to bring together researchers in the multidisciplinary field…

IMRF - 21ème édition

The Leenaards Foundation supports two projects led by Principal Investigators from The Sense

The Leenaards Foundation provides its support to two projects co-led by two Sense PIs as part of their “Integrative Health & Society” initiative…

The Sense at the Innothèque Space for a Historic Edition of the Foire du Valais.

The innovation and research center, The Sense, made its presence felt at the 63rd edition of the Foire du Valais this year…

the sense innothèque fdv 2023

Second edition of our digital newsletter

Follow all the news from the Sense Research and Innovation Center with the second edition of its digital newsletter…

Newsletter #02