- Real-world neuroscience
Presentation of research activities
The Appitech Lab is a research laboratory that focuses on the use of immersive technologies to explore human perception and develop diagnosis and treatment tools for various neurological pathologies. The laboratory also uses these technologies to create personalised learning programs for learners with different abilities.
The Appitech Lab works in close collaboration with other research partners as well as established companies to transfer innovative technologies developed in-house to other fields and industries. This multidisciplinary and collaborative approach enables the laboratory to continue to push the boundaries of research on human perception and help people with neurological pathologies live healthier and happier lives.
Antoine Widmer
Antoine Widmer currently works as a professor at the Institute of Informatics of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis. Since 2006, he has mainly focused his research on AR/VR in the medical field. Before 2012, he first studied for his MSc (2008) and then his PhD (2012) at the human-computer interaction laboratory of the University of Calgary. After completing his doctorate, he returned to Switzerland to work on a project of applied research in VR with the Swiss company VirtaMed, until 2013. He then joined the Research Institute of Informatics of HES-SO Valais-Wallis, first as a senior researcher, and as of 2016 as a professor. Since 2016, he has focused his interest on the use of AR/VR to help people with DSM-5-type neurodevelopmental disorders.
3960 Sierre
Pre-frail older adults show improved cognition with StayFitLonger computerized home–based training: a randomized controlled trial.
Belleville, S., Cuesta, M., Bieler-Aeschlimann, M., Giacomino, K., Widmer, A., Mittaz Hager, A. G., Perez-Marcos, D., Cardin, S., Boller, B., Bier, N., Aubertin-Leheudre, M., Bherer, L., Berryman, N., Agrigoroaei, S., & Demonet, J. F. (2023).
GeroScience, 45(2), 811–822.
Rationale and protocol of the StayFitLonger study: a multicentre trial to measure efficacy and adherence of a home-based computerised multidomain intervention in healthy older adults.
Belleville, S., Cuesta, M., Bieler-Aeschlimann, M., Giacomino, K., Widmer, A., Mittaz Hager, A.-G., Perez-Marcos, D., Cardin, S., Boller, B., Bier, N., Aubertin-Leheudr, M., & Démonet, J.-F. (2020).
BMC Geriatrics.
Gamification to improve adherence in home-based activities for seniors. In Proceedings of the 4th Gamification & Serious Games Symposium (GSGS 19).
Cardin, S., Cerra Chekara, M., Bolinhas, C., Sisto, M., Schaer, R., Bieler, M., Perez Marcos, D., Gobron, S., & Widmer, A. (2019).
HE-Arc, HES-SO PP – Delémont.
Subjective perception and objective measurements in perceiving object softness for VR surgical systems.
Widmer, A., & Hu, Y. (2009).
Proceedings – IEEE Virtual Reality.
Effects of the alignment between a haptic device and visual display on the perception of object softness.
Widmer, A., & Hu, Y. (2010).
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans, 40(6).
Effects of the alignment between a haptic device and visual display on the perception of object softness.
Widmer, A., & Hu, Y. (2010).
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans, 40(6).