
All our events

  • 11/12/2024
  • Amphithéâtre 2914, Bâtiment Biophore, UNIL-Sorge, Lausanne
  • 10:15 - 18:00

Oscillatory Brain Waves: Mechanisms, Functions, and Clinical Perspectives – Symposium

On December 11, 2024, the innovation and research center The Sense is sponsoring a major scientific event organized by the group of the Prof. David…

  • 02/09/2024
  • MCBA, Plateforme 10, Lausanne
  • 18:00-20:30


Improving accessibility and considering inclusion represent a major challenge for our society. Inclusion is not limited to people with disabilities; it also concerns seniors. How…

  • 18/09/2024
  • Sion | Enerypolis
  • 08:30 - 16:00

Symposium: Novel Imaging Techniques in the field of Ophthalmology and MR-Eye

Discover major advances in ocular imaging and analysis, including MR-Eye segmentation, dynamic eye-brain imaging, and the integration of functional vision sensors with optimised MRI sequences…

  • 25/06/2024
  • CHUV | Auditoire Alexandre Yersin
  • 12:00 - 13:00

Training Symposium of CEMIC

The CEMIC (Center for Integrative and Complementary Medicine), led by our PI, Professor Chantal Berna Renella, is pleased to announce the exceptional participation of Prof….

  • 25/06/2024
  • Sion | Energypolis
  • 13:00 - 17:15

Innovation Booster Silver Aging

Join the Innovation Booster Silver Aging and co-create solutions to enhance the quality of life and care for seniors! The Innovation Booster Silver Aging (IB-SA),…

  • 02/06/2024
  • Amphimax 350
  • 12:00 - 13:00

Les Mystères de l’UNIL : Monkeys, our closest cousins

Les Mystères de l’UNIL offer a unique opportunity to explore the behind-the-scenes of research. Each year, scientists from all faculties of the University of Lausanne…

  • 16/05/2024
  • CHUV | BH08 | Auditoire Auguste Tissot
  • 17:00 - 18:00

Applied Cognitive Neuroscience to Improve Performance, Cognition, and Mental Health

The Innovation and Research Center The Sense is pleased to welcome Dr. Greg Appelbaum (Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego) for a seminar…

  • 16/11/2023
  • CHUV | Auditoire Mathias Mayor
  • 17:00 - 18:00

Rehabilitation after sensory deprivation: examples from spinal cord injuries and tinnitus.

After a spinal cord injury, there is rapid atrophy of the spinal cord beyond the lesion, with evidence of disruption of the corticospinal tracts and…

  • 14/06/2023
  • Lausanne | CHUV | Auditoire Charlotte Olivier
  • 11:30 - 12:30

The role of vision in perceptual space representation

We rely on integrated spatial representations that we construct during our childhood to interact with the world around us. Visual experience is crucial for integrating…

  • 10/05/2023
  • Sion | HES-SO Valais-Wallis | VS-ENP.21.N307
  • 12:00 - 13:00

From continuous streams to segmented units: Understanding how events structure cognition and memory

While perceptual information arrives more or less continuously over time, our mind apprehends coherent and delimited sub-sequences that have beginnings, middles, and ends and extend…

  • 25/04/2023
  • Lausanne | CHUV | PMU - E. Jequier-Doge

Open science: Open Access (OA) and Open Research Data (ORD)

Open science, particularly Open Access (OA) and Open Research Data (ORD), aim to make scientific literature as well as research results and data immediately available…

  • 24/02/2023
  • Lausanne | CHUV | Matthias Mayor - BH-08.

Seminar: “When Economics Meets Health (and Vice Versa)”

As part of the monthly seminars, Prof. Joachim Marti (health economics, Unisanté) will give a presentation on his research activities entitled “When Economics Meets Health…

  • 18/01/202318/01/2023
  • Sion | Energypolis | ENP.21.N307
  • 15h00 - 16h00

Conference: “Brain Plasticity and Sensory Deprivation”

The Health Institute of HES-SO Valais-Wallis and The Sense invite you to a conference presented by Professor Olivier Collignon (Visiting Professor at HES / Principal…