Seminar: “When Economics Meets Health (and Vice Versa)”

  • picto date24/02/2023
  • picto placeLausanne | CHUV | Matthias Mayor - BH-08.

As part of the monthly seminars, Prof. Joachim Marti (health economics, Unisanté) will give a presentation on his research activities entitled “When Economics Meets Health (and Vice Versa)”.

The objective of the seminar is to present health economics as a discipline, including its history, tools, and methods. The presentation will provide an overview of current and future research activities in the field within the new Health Economics and Policies sector of the Epidemiology and Health Systems Department at Unisanté. Participants will gain insight into the diversity of topics addressed and methods used, as well as identify synergies and potential areas for collaboration.

This seminar is open to the public and available via video conference (Click here to join the meeting).